Last night I played cello with a friend after work so I didn't get home until about 9:30. I tried using the Hallicrafters receiver with the SW+ as a transmitter. There were not that many stations calling and as time went along less and less stations were heard.
I read about the proper way to use a separate TX/RX station from K3WWP's web site. The correct way from my understanding is to put a dummy load into the antenna jack of the transmitter. Tune the frequency you want to operate on with the receiver and then key down and adjust the frequency of the transmitter until you hear it in the receiver. Then switch the dummy load out and antenna in. Your all set. I need a switch between the dummy load and antenna so I can do this quicker. By the time I set the receiver of a calling station. Tune my transmitter to match and then unscrew the dummy load and screw in the antenna the station is already working the guy with a transceiver. It got me several times last night. I didn't even get a chance to call a station.
I still find using the old Hallicrafter S20R interesting as a receiver but it will take practice and I will keep working with it while also chasing my QSO a day and WAS challenge.
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