Today the OHR400 arrived! It has been quite a trip for the little radio. It got delayed in the east coast snow storm. It went through NJ, OH, and to me at work.
It looks like I remembered and maybe a little better. I got it home after playing cello duets with my friend Lynn. I really didn't have much time to mess with it. I forgot the manual at work but it seems to be a mono headphone plug. Everything seems to work fine. I put my MFJ manual tuner with it and see it puts out plenty of power. It sounds very quiet. A nice receiver. I couldn't tell much difference flipping in and out the filter but I will have a good time playing with things more when I have time. I will hook it up to a program called spectrogram and see on the computer what the filters are doing. It has plenty of audio and it will take some getting used to. I have been using my SW40+ exclusively daily for quite awhile. It is funny how I get used to the sound of a radio. The receiver and side tone. They are all different. It is what makes getting a new radio so much fun.
I plugged back in my SW40+ and heard W1ZT on 7.040 calling "fox"! Oh boy.... the QRP fox hunt! Get gave me a 559 / MA/ Geo/ 5 watts. I replied with an honest 599 / IN/ Ivin/ 1.5 watts. The fox hunts seem to be very exciting this year. I should follow it more closely. It is a lot of fun. They alternate 40 and 80 meters. I didn't need MA but it's another daily QSO with the SWL radio. I am undecided how to proceed with daily QSO's and the WAS contest with KB9BVN. The OHR is interesting but I sure have gotten used to my SW40+.
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