Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Yesterday’s Zulu time was Labor Day.  It is a day set aside to celebrate the contributions of workers in the United States and honors the American labor movement.  It was begun by the trade union.  I want to thank those that contribute and serve others in this country through daily work.  It goes un-noticed by most everyone that every day individuals spend more of their day with co-workers and at a work place to serve the needs of others than they do with their family and friends.  I go to work Monday through Friday but I want to remember that others also serve me and I am grateful.  Please take a moment and tell that person serving you a sincere thank you.  It might be the person at the drive thru window of a fast food restaurant or the cashier at your grocery store.  Your kids teacher or say a prayer for the anonymous person that packed your last Amazon purchase.  Remember we are all people working together to improve our lives. 
I have a new adventure to combine with QRP radio!  A couple of close friends of mine have small 49cc scooters.  Well I finally rode one and WOW was that fun!  So…. Yes I bought one and this was my first full weekend to ride.  I also got a 49cc scooter.  Why???  Well I want to ride with my friends and not ride past them.   What goes better with QRP that a QRP style scooter.  Riding with less.  Just like with QRP power radio it is amazing what I am discovering with my new QRP scooter.  I am getting VERY good mileage.  Close to 100 miles to the gallon.  In the state of Indiana this size scooter and smaller only requires it to be plated as a scooter.  It is very inexpensive and does not require a motorcycle endorsement on my driver’s license and it does not need to be insured as a vehicle.  I probably rode about 200 miles over the three days I have had it.  I want to learn how practical this transportation is and I will be taking along my Elecraft K2 for the ride… or maybe the SW+.
Over the holiday weekend I went to Nashville, IN which is the center of craft crap U.S.A.  They have tons of craft shops that sell many things.  It was CROWDED.  My friend Dan (who did everything to get my scooter up and running) and I got some food and headed out of town back through the Morgan Monroe State Forest and then to Martinsville where Dan lives.  From there I rode home.  (My first solo trip). I am using non-ethanol gasoline and found a place near me that sells it.  It is not easy to find.  I have had many people look my new bike over and asking me questions about what exactly is it that I am driving.  
My last day I met with my other scooter friend, Gary and met Mike at Cataract Falls State Park.  Mike went there last last week to see how it might work for an outing and it was great for him.  Today was rather crowded. However, we did find a place to set up and get on the  air.  We ended up using Mike’s new radio the MCHF.  It worked out very nicely and we made a QSO to Santa Fe, NM on 20 meters.  Mike’s radio worked great hooked to my Buddistick antenna.  
All too soon it was time to head back home.  Mike hauled my radio for me and followed Gary and I.  I made a stop at the gas station and barely squeezed $2.00 of gas into my scooter.  Meanwhile a local ham saw Gary’s antenna on his scooter and had to walk up and say hello.   It is amazing how many people are willing to walk right up to us and talk.  When using my car no one talks to  me.  

I better post this one and move along.  I will talk more about how outings go for me when I go out.  Who knows where I might operate next.  72/72 for now.  


  1. getcher motor runnnnninn....head out on the highway....lookin for adventure and whatever comes your way...born to be wiiiiilllld....hahahah Very nice Ivin, very nice. What kind of scooter is that?

  2. The scooter was awesome! Brian needs one too.
