Saturday, December 9, 2017

I have not been blogging lately or writing much at all.  I’m sure we all get distracted by other things that catch our interest and also loose track of time.  I have been on the air plenty but just haven’t written about it.  One real reason is because the Bluetooth keyboard broke that I use with my iPad.  That is my main creating tool.  I have a laptop, but I only use it for contesting.  Typing on the iPad screen is not very accurate and has not got the feel a of a real keyboard.  Though not ham related, I am excited about my recent keyboard replacement.  I went for a Apple magic keyboard.  This keyboard is nice because it is full size.  My last one had smaller keys and was universal for android or apple.  It worked for a couple years and I got very used to throwing in my backpack with the iPad and taking it wherever I went, but now it won’t connect to any of my apple products.  Maybe it is due to updates to Apple’s software.  I’m not sure but I figure an Apple keyboard should work more years and pair up with any new iPads I might get in the future.  So with that I hope to record my ham radio activities more often and maybe write more in general.

Yesterday I had the pleasure to make a QSO with Sue N3SC in Venice FL.  Venice is not rare DX like .... well... Venice Italy, but I’ll take it in these band conditions.

I was using 5 watts as seems normal these days with me.  The 1.5 watt SW+ is more frustrating lately. My local CW friends were discussing with me that they have found 40 meters to be very quiet this week in particular.  I have noticed this as well.  The few QSO’s I made during the week were very short and not easy to find.  I don’t usually follow band conditions.  My friend Brian KB9BVN always tells me someone somewhere can hear you.  That keeps me calling CQ longer and does seem to result in a QSO even if not a long distance away it is always a friendly person using CW.

Last night I was using my MFJ 9040.  I really enjoy this radio for it’s minimalist aspects.  It is a lot like the SW+ but it also has AGC and mine has the internal keyer and 500hz filter.  Both I installed and was worth the investment.  I called CQ and quickly Sue replied.  She was using her Icom 718 and an old straight key.  What was extra special was that Sue let me know I am the first QSO she has had in a long time.  She didn’t mention how long, but it sure felt great to welcome someone back on the air.  I hope she enjoyed the 20 minute QSO and continues to find enjoyment in the fellowship of other CW operators.  

Venice, FL is a nice place.  As Sue said the temperature is always nice there.  It is called the “City on the Gulf”.  Located in south western FL.  Venice Island is located there which is accessed by bridges over artificially created intracoastal waterway.  It has an offshore coral freer and Caspersen Beach along with Multi-use trails.  It would be a fun vacation spot and popular with retirees escaping the cold of winter.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Add another town to QRP scooter adventures.  I took a day off from work to enjoy the great weather riding around the area.  I went to a friend’s house in the morning in Martinsville, IN.  We changed the oil and gear grease because I have hit 500 miles on the scooter.  Then we had lunch down town Martinsville.  That was a fun little ride.  Soon it was back home.  I filled the 1 gallon tank and then took off to a new location for me.  Danville, IN.  They have a very nice park.   
Mike W9ODX met me there.  

It was very crowded with football practice going on in the park and others had the same idea about spending time outdoors.  Mike knew of a nice little park in Cartersburg which is just south of  Danville a little ways.  We used Mike's MCHF radio and his hamstick with a elevated radial.  I didn’t have much hope with this low to the ground set up, but I answered WZ2J with Mike’s radio keyer speed set to 28wpm.  BINGO!  Vin WZ2J answered me and we had a very nice qso.  I din’t get a great signal report but it was enough with Vin’s IC-7600.  Vin is from Old Bridge, NJ.  He says he is a QRQ (high speed telegraphy).  We were moving right along and it was a joy to operate at a higher speed.  Many QSO’s I have hover around the 20wpm or slower.  QRP does not mean slow and operating at a speed that  makes me process more is a lot of fun.  Normally the faster the CW the weaker the signal sounds so Vin, thanks for really pulling me out at a quick speed.  Hats off to your skill and radio’s ability.  

I finally stopped torturing Vin and said Good evening to him.  Then Mike and I tuned low into the band.  There was a fantastic strong station at the bottom of 40 meters.  Mike’s MCHF radio is interesting because it has a built in live pan adaptor built in.  I could really get used to that feature.  You can see signals and noise while tuning around.  This signal at the bottom was super wide and strong!  We had to listen.  This operator was using all home brew equipment at a kilowatt.  He had a wonderful tone and very easy copy.  He was ragchewing to another stateside station with his beam pointing straight at the other station.  Hey, way more power than needed for the QSO but it sure is enjoyable to hear homebrew stations and we are all share the bands together.  It is fun to just tune around and listen to others enjoying time in conversation.

That was it.  It was getting dark and the park should be closed so we packed up and went south to a local McDonalds.  We enjoyed a drink and a little to eat and then it was time to ride home in the dark.  My first trip in the dark.  What a strange experience. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Yesterday’s Zulu time was Labor Day.  It is a day set aside to celebrate the contributions of workers in the United States and honors the American labor movement.  It was begun by the trade union.  I want to thank those that contribute and serve others in this country through daily work.  It goes un-noticed by most everyone that every day individuals spend more of their day with co-workers and at a work place to serve the needs of others than they do with their family and friends.  I go to work Monday through Friday but I want to remember that others also serve me and I am grateful.  Please take a moment and tell that person serving you a sincere thank you.  It might be the person at the drive thru window of a fast food restaurant or the cashier at your grocery store.  Your kids teacher or say a prayer for the anonymous person that packed your last Amazon purchase.  Remember we are all people working together to improve our lives. 
I have a new adventure to combine with QRP radio!  A couple of close friends of mine have small 49cc scooters.  Well I finally rode one and WOW was that fun!  So…. Yes I bought one and this was my first full weekend to ride.  I also got a 49cc scooter.  Why???  Well I want to ride with my friends and not ride past them.   What goes better with QRP that a QRP style scooter.  Riding with less.  Just like with QRP power radio it is amazing what I am discovering with my new QRP scooter.  I am getting VERY good mileage.  Close to 100 miles to the gallon.  In the state of Indiana this size scooter and smaller only requires it to be plated as a scooter.  It is very inexpensive and does not require a motorcycle endorsement on my driver’s license and it does not need to be insured as a vehicle.  I probably rode about 200 miles over the three days I have had it.  I want to learn how practical this transportation is and I will be taking along my Elecraft K2 for the ride… or maybe the SW+.
Over the holiday weekend I went to Nashville, IN which is the center of craft crap U.S.A.  They have tons of craft shops that sell many things.  It was CROWDED.  My friend Dan (who did everything to get my scooter up and running) and I got some food and headed out of town back through the Morgan Monroe State Forest and then to Martinsville where Dan lives.  From there I rode home.  (My first solo trip). I am using non-ethanol gasoline and found a place near me that sells it.  It is not easy to find.  I have had many people look my new bike over and asking me questions about what exactly is it that I am driving.  
My last day I met with my other scooter friend, Gary and met Mike at Cataract Falls State Park.  Mike went there last last week to see how it might work for an outing and it was great for him.  Today was rather crowded. However, we did find a place to set up and get on the  air.  We ended up using Mike’s new radio the MCHF.  It worked out very nicely and we made a QSO to Santa Fe, NM on 20 meters.  Mike’s radio worked great hooked to my Buddistick antenna.  
All too soon it was time to head back home.  Mike hauled my radio for me and followed Gary and I.  I made a stop at the gas station and barely squeezed $2.00 of gas into my scooter.  Meanwhile a local ham saw Gary’s antenna on his scooter and had to walk up and say hello.   It is amazing how many people are willing to walk right up to us and talk.  When using my car no one talks to  me.  

I better post this one and move along.  I will talk more about how outings go for me when I go out.  Who knows where I might operate next.  72/72 for now.  

Thursday, August 24, 2017

I was looking for a new county tonight calling CQ on 40 meters.  The answer to my call came from VA3YG.  Not a new county but a QSO is a QSO and beggars can’t be choosers in these band conditions.  What a pleasant QSO!  Brent lives on the shore of Lake Huron in South Ampton, ON.  Brent promotes the use of simple QRP radios.  I second that!  I enjoy my Elecraft K2 very much, but as I have mentioned I also have a great time with my single band radios.  Tonight Brent was running 300 watts with a new vertical antenna.  Maybe conditions are making many of us turn to QRO power.  

Southampton is a small town and Bruce says his family has lived there for over 80 years.  It has a post office and road signs It’s primary employment is agriculture.  It sounds a lot like where I live in Eminence, except we don’t have a huge lake or light house. 

Sunday, August 20, 2017

I got my QRP QSO today at 0100z just as the Zulu day started.  I have been using my Elecraft K2 radio most of the time.  The SW+ at 1.5 watts just seems like torture for those copying me.  I’m looking for conversation more than just the state or county.  I haven’t given up on it though.  I will keep working on WAS with that radio but at the bottom of the sun spot cycle just a little more seems like what is on everyone’s minds.  I read another QRPer’s blog last night and he bought a 100 watt amp for his QRP radio due to the dismal conditions.  I’m not that far gone…..  He wrote that this was his first sunspot low using QRP.  I am a seasoned veteran. I have been using QRP since 2005 and have been through a sunspot minimum before.  This is the time I am finding nice state side QSO’s and mostly stick to 40 meters.  It is best to enjoy what we can get.  I am back working on county hunting.  It’s great for what we have in band conditions.  If you have never county hunted before I highly recommend it.  Some states have tons of counties while others may have only a few.  Either way I have not yet worked any state’s entire counties.  Some are as rare as hen’s teeth!
The QSO came from Salem, NH.  Carmen K1LKP.  Carmen served on a submarine in our U.S. Navy.  He also serves the Lord (as in Christianity), keeps fantastic records, and is a proud ham!  Salem is in Rockingham Co.  That is not a new county for me unfortunately.  Carmen told me our only two QSO’s before this was in 2006.  He even had my age logged at that time.  Ha ha… I said at that time I must have been using my TS-520 radio.  He corrected me and said no, it was the IC-703.  WOW!  I don’t have that radio any more but I sure loved it.  It is Icom’s full featured QRP radio.  I got into contesting with that radio and took it hiking in the woods.  I also flew kites with magnet wire hooked to it.  I didn’t know static would build on the wire which burned up my finals not once, but twice.  The Icom service center told me to stop doing that.  Ha ha…  I sold it to help fund my Elecraft K2 when that opportunity came along.  Of course I still have the Elecraft and it serves as my main radio.  He sure brought back memories of when I got into CW.  At the end of the QSO Carmen wished me God’s blessings and to my loved ones.  I did the same.  If you have not been listening to CW QSO’s much it is very common to say “God Bless” at the end of a QSO.  I found that pleasant but strange at first, however, I have come to find many CW ops will say this and I do it as well.  

So to end this blog post I want to say God Bless to all of you and Dit Dit.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

I haven’t been on the air a lot lately but I’m catching up.  There has been little hiking or bicycling much this summer.  It’s funny that I can’t really tell you what I have been doing.  I guess working and doing other activities.  I play the cello and I set time aside each day to practice.  Days just go by I guess.  Within the hobby of ham radio I have been spending time with a new ham and friend Mike W9ODX.  Mike received a 1969 Vibrokeyer key from a nice fellow radio enthusiast.  It needed a little TLC so we put new finger pieces on it and replaced the underside hardware with correct screws.  It also got a new foot because one was cracked.  This key is a left handed paddle which no one would know except that Vibrokeyers are reminiscent of a Vibroplex bug which do function either right or left handed. I primarily use a Vibrokeyer paddle also so I am very familiar with this key.  Mike’s is jeweled and has a super smooth feel.  I’m sure he will get a lifetime of enjoyment out of his new to him key.
     This morning I set up in the back yard waiting for Mike to come and receive the key and had a nice QSO with it to K2OGT/Bob in Gouldsboro, PA.  Gouldsboro is located within the Pocono mountains It is a small town and named after Jay Gould who made his fortune with the railroad.  Jay Gould was not well liked but made wised investments in the Railroad and ended up in control of the Erie Railroad.  Gouldsboro has recently restored its train depot.  As for me I doubt I will ever be an investment tycoon.  I seem to invest in ham radio equipment and things that bring me personal enjoyment.  Maybe I should get a lottery ticket tonight.  The powerball is getting pretty big!

While I ended my fun QSO with Bob, Mike pulled into my driveway and I gave my 73 and goodby.  Mike and I had a nice visit and then went out for pizza and talked about CW traffic nets and DX.  

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Today my friends Mike W9ODX and Garry KA9ZYL visited in the evening to play with some QRP.  We set up the Elecraft K2 in my back yard and the buddistick antenna.  Mike wanted to see how the buddistick worked.  I set up on 20 meters and we listened a little.  I then answered a station and talked with Andy AB1BX in Warren, RI.  I was set at less than 2 watts.  Andy was running a little more at 100 watts.  We had a couple rounds and then we said  goodby.  
Warren, RI is a very old town.  It was established in the early 17th century.  In the 18th century it was a prosperous wailing port and ship building was a good industry for it.  As wailing declined Warren moved toward textile manufacturing.  I must say with the history of Warren it would be fantastic to visit some of it’s historic buildings and take a look around.  I also would love to try some fresh seafood while there.  I put it on the list of places I want to visit!   

For this QSO I used my cheap, cruddy, tarnished, but trusty Ameco straight key.  It has been awhile since I pounded brass with it but it strangely felt good.  The simple action of a straight key is a nice change to a paddle or even a bug.  It’s nice and simple.  After the QSO I tried to get Mike to try the straight key.  He sent a couple CQ’s but he was having none of it.  We moved on to the Vibroplex Vibrokeyer.  I really like that key too.  I have not had that many paddles, but the Vibrokeyer has been my favorite.  It’s even on my SW+ QSL card.  Mike made a couple 40 meter QSO’s and we listened to a couple stations sending.   It was so humid that by the time the sun set the fog started rolling in and before long it was time Mike and Garry to say 73 to my QTH and head back home.  What a fun evening!

Monday, July 24, 2017

At 0053z today I talked with Rick KC4KNN in Weaverville, NC.  It has been a little bit since I was last on the air.  The SW+ was a lot of fun to use again.  My MFJ Cub project has hit a snag.  I was not able to get it to receive any stations or hear it with another radio.  It does have power out and I can hear some digital noise as well as background noise so it must be a tuning issue.  I worked on it for a couple days and then called MFJ.  They tried to help but then finally recommended I just mail it to them for inspection.  So I am waiting and without the new radio for a while.  I sure hope it works when I get it back and it is a good trail radio.  

Anyway, Weaverville, NC looks like a nice little town.  It is in the Blue Ridge mountains.  They have a bed and breakfast and some industry.  There is a school and it is known for it’s beautiful scenery.  

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

It came!  I got home late tonight but went out to the mail box and the MFJ Cub was sitting in my crappy white mailbox waiting for me in the drizzling rain.  I am really looking forward to starting the build.  I was able to at least open things up and see how big the radio will be but unfortunately I will have to wait until tomorrow before I can start melting solder.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Yesterday I went to my friend Mike W9ODX’s house.  We played with his hamstick antenna set up and the MFJ 9040.  The 9040 is a very simple but fun radio.  It has 5 watts, internal keyer, and 500hz filter.  Mike is borrowing it right now, but I have really used this radio to death.  It isn’t collectible or valuable.  I have enjoyed the 9040 for probably 10 years.  It was just a great value as a used purchase of $100.00.  

The last few years I have thought about trying a MFJ Cub off and on.  I ordered one for 20 meters and it is due to arrive Wednesday.  I could use a 20 meter backpacking radio.  I think it will be a nice simple build.  It is simple.  I can throw it in a pack without worrying about scratching it up or anything.  Like my MFJ 9040, my plan it just to use it up and get a lot of fun operating out of it.  I have no delusion that it will perform like an Elecraft radio, but I also don’t need to take care of it like an Elecraft.  I will try documenting the build and it is another 1.5 watt radio more or less so it fits with spirit of this blog.  Stay tuned.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Tonight the SW+ traveled to the state of New York with my outdoor home made dipole.  I got in the log of K2A the NY station for the 13 colonies event.  This is a popular event every year.  If you can log all 13 colonies you can apply for a special certificate.  It is very possible to do this from Indiana with some dedication and a modest station.  However, using the SW+ would be a big challenge.  I logged NH, GA, VA, and PA with my Elecraft K2.  NH was on 20 meters and the rest have been on 40.  I was running 5 watts also for NH but then less than 2 watts on the rest.  It was really a nice surprise to get in each log with the amount of activity the stations were getting.  The K2 can filter and has a dynamic range to hear the calling station amazingly better than the SW+.  I think now that Independence Day July 4th has passed and the weekend is over there is less interest in chasing these stations.  There was only a few stations calling for NY tonight.  I must say, however, that there is something very satisfying using the SW+ to get a special event station.  

In 1624 the Dutch settled along the Hudson River.  In 1664 the English took it and renamed it New York.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Today I went to the Morgan Monroe State Forest.  It is the closest forest to where I live.  I unusually go there.  It is the place I go to try out equipment and enjoy the outdoors.  I took the  K2 with me.  I made two QSO’s while there.  One was to Sherbrooke, QC.  Pierre was using his KX3 at 5 watts.  I was running 2 watts.  My antenna was a dipole and Pierre was using a yagi antenna.  Sherbrooke has some wonderful history and culture.  Pierre does SOTA work with QRP.  What a wonderful QSO for me!!   We met on 20 meters.  

My 2nd QSO was to Harrington, CT to Henry K1PUG.  He was running 100 watts with his Ten Tec Omni D.  Another fun QSO at 2 watts. 

I knew the key was very heavy.  If I should find a light weight key.  The other thing I notices was that the battery drained quicker than the KX1 I used before.  I had shut off the bar graph and turned the performance to battery operation.  I operated at 2 watts but the battery still would not have lasted a weekend of casual use.  I’m not sure the K2 for that reason can be a backpacking radio for me but I will keep working with it.  
       On the way home I was suddenly stopped by a tree that fell across the road while I was on the trail.  It was a windy day but I am amazed to find myself having to look for an alternate route home.  A trip into the woods with a radio always feels like a success if you make at least one QSO as a reward for the effort.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Wow, it’s been a month since I last wrote!  I have no new states in that month.  I haven’t been QSOing every day either.  I started using my Elecraft K2 again.  What an amazing difference between a SW+ and a K2.  I certainly appreciate the the functions of the K2!  

I have been turning the K2 down to 2 watts or less to continue to see how such low power performs over the air.  I also did some contesting.  I made it thought the Indiana QSO party.  I also had local guests over to operate QRP Field Day.  KB9BVN, W9ODX, N9SE, and KA9ZYL.  We had a wonderful time.

Yesterday my 2 watt QSO with the K2 was to Matthews, NC.  It is a suburban town of Charlotte.  There isn’t much to say about Matthews.  I met Sam there K4DGJ and he was using a Yaesu radio at 100 watts to a 3 element Yagi.  We met on 20 meters.  I was sitting in the back yard.  The band seemed to be holding but I had to leave to play cello duets with a friend.  

I tried a few times to make a QSO today.  I got a reply to my call but it was met with the reply “Heavy QSB, SRI, NO COPY.”  Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Monday, May 29, 2017

This morning I found my way back on the air.  I sat outside for breakfast hooked from the SW+ to my Hustler vertical.  I called CQ and had the good fortune to have Jim K4WOP respond.  Jim is from Mercersburg, PA where he teaches music at the .  Jim said Mercersburg Academy.  It is a small town and the best part is being able to walk or ride a bike around town to get to things.  I told Jim that I play the cello.  We definitely had things in common.  Thank you Jim for being a music educator.  The arts are very important for us in so many ways.  If I ever make it to Mercersburg I will have to take a look at the academy. 

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Today is Mother's Day.  I doubt any mom's read my blog but it was a wonderful day in central Indiana.  Today I got a chance to sit outside in the backyard and play with the radio.  I haven't been active with the SW+ this past week.  Last Saturday was the Indiana QSO party.  I operated with my Elecraft K2 so none counted for my SW+ WAS challenge.
The QSO of today is with KG4IUQ/Mark in Shelby, NC.  I was set up in the back yard with the SW+ going to my Hustler Vertical antenna.  It is such a nice day today.  I called CQ and Mark gave me a shout.  As it turns out we have a lot in common.  We are both musicians with music degrees.  We talked for an hour!  That is a fantastic QSO with any radio.  It is such a great feeling when you really start connecting with someone during a rag chew.  It doesn't happen all that much so I will remember Mark.  Shelby, NC has some very historic homes but I thought I would talk about the Anne Dover Bailey Carrousel Pavilion and Rotary Train.  The city park Carrousel is a year round carrousel with Twenty-nine original horses and three hand carved replacements.  It was built in 1919 and what a bargain at only $.50 a ride!  I'll stop there if I get to Shelby someday.  

Pictures taken by W9ODX

Within the same Zulu day I also went Hiking with my local ham friend Mike W9ODX.  We made a trip to the Morgan Monroe State Forest with the MFJ 9040.  Mike and I both made a QSO with a new portable dipole Mike got.  We suspected it was not quite long enough and sure enough, when we got back to my place and we measured it it was short.  The antenna still tuned and we got a SKCC QSO and one in the AR QSO Party.  The mosquitoes are out!  I'll suffer from that trip for a little bit.  However, it was very nice to be in the woods again.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

I have taken a little break from radio the last couple days.  It feels good to take a little break.  I always enjoy making QSO's and look forward to talking to someone after awhile.  
Tonight I had the pleasure of meeting Mike/AA4MC in South Boston, VA. Mike told me I was 569 when he answered me but after the first exchange I fell to 339.  However, he said the noise reduction in the IC7300 is very good and he had me solid.  On my end we have storms moving in which made the noise level high.  QSB was working against his signal and two other stations were calling CQ in my bandpass.  I struggled.  The IC7300 must be a great radio.  I have been hearing a lot of them lately on the air.  I would look seriously at one if I were in the market for a new radio at that level.  

South Boston, VA is where the "Crossing of the Dan" took place which is the turning point of the Revolutionary war.  General Greene was able to split his army and distract the British while his main body crossed the river.  This maneuver was advantageous for much needed rest and reinforcements which let to the British to finally leave the Carolinas and move into VA.  It would be worth a trip to visit South Boston.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

This day the QSO went to Florida to Port St. Lucie.  I met Al N4OW.  Al was running QRP with his FT-950 at 4 watts.  The QSO was short, but appreciated.  Port St. Lucie is relatively new development on the eastern coast of FL.  It is the most populated city of the county.

Over the weekend I went to Xenia Ohio and road on their paved rail trails.  I took my SW+ but never did find the time to set up and operate.  However, the bicycling was fantastic.  I got twice a year with friends from work.  We eat at local shops and stay at a fantastic bed and breakfast.  So I have been absent from radio for a couple days, but I sure enjoyed another fun activity.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Tonight I got to visit with Francis/KG5DKG in Hattiesburg, MS.  Hattiesburg has a lot of history and culture.  It would seem it came into it's own as a railroad hub.  It has the University of Southern Mississippi and Willian Carey University.  They have a Zoo located in Kanpur Park.  In December they also have the Annual Victorian Candlelit Christmas and Holiday tour of homes.  They put candles in white bags and take visitors on carriage rides. I think if I make it to Hattiesburg I will also visit the Thirsty Hippo to enjoy an evening of live music.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Tonight is the SKS - Straight Key Century Club Sprint-.  I fell into it not knowing why so many stations were on making QSO's.  I had to look it up to see what the exchange was.  I made a couple QSO's. AJ4SB/Rob in TN & WA4GQG/Kevin in NC. The SKCC group has become a huge success.  

My RF travels took me to Wheaton, MN.  I met Ray/NO0V there.  The conditions on the band were poor so the QSO didn't last long.  Wheaton is supported mostly by agriculture.  This geographic location is found where Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota meet.  At Wheaton you can experience the Red River Valley, Continental Divide, and Lake Agassiz.  Wheaton would be a nice place to spend the morning at the Country Corner Cafe and enjoy breakfast at this unique geographical area.

Monday, April 24, 2017

The Zulu day has just begun but I got a QSO in early.  I got to discover "The Villages", FL.  I talked to Bob/K3ZGA.  This is the first time I have heard of The Villages.  It is a retirement community that is golf cart accessible.  This community began by Harold Schwartz and tracts were sold via mail order in the 1960's.  It seems golf is a primary focus for recreational activity at The Village.  It looks like a nice place to visit, but as of this writing unless I lived with an older person, not a place I could live in.  Bob was using a IC-7300.  I have heard many operators using IC-7300 radios lately.  They seem to be very solid performers and well liked by their owners.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Weaverville, NC is where I landed today.  I talked to Rick/KC4NN.  He was using his FT-DX3000 radio and sounded fine.  Unfortunately the QSO didn't last a long time due to band conditions.  However, I was sitting outside under the tree.  The sun is shining and the temperature is 70 degrees.  It sure turned out to be a wonderful day to enjoy a Sunday afternoon.  Weaverville is a small town but is the home of the A-B Emblem company which is one of the world's largest producers of embroidered patches.  It would be super cool to pick up a patch right from the factory.  They have some nice bed and breakfasts to stay the night and to be entertained you can get some fantastic pizza at the Blue Mountain Pizza.  They are recognized as one of the top 10 pizza places in Western NC.  It is family friendly.  They have good beer and live music nightly.  It doesn't sound like a bad place to spend a night or two.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Today 1.5 watts from the SW+ got me to Wellfleet, MA.  I worked KM1CC the Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club celebrating International Marconi Day.  Guglielmo Marconi built the first transatlantic radio transmitter station on the coast of Wellfleet in 1901.  The first transmission from America to England was sent January 18, 1903.  A wonderful book I read that follows Marconi's advancement in wireless communication is "Thunderstruck" by Erik Larson.  Another thing Wellfleet is known for is it's oyster fest!  Add another interesting place I would like to go someday and experience for myself.
Well it finally happened.  I didn't make a QSO today.  That ends the over 2 month streak of making a QSO every day with the SW+.  What happened???  Well, life happened.  At 0000z the Zulu day started off and I was gone from the house.  I went to a ham radio testing session where people were taking tests to get or upgrade their amateur radio license.  Then I met Mike/W9ODX and Gary/KA9ZYL at McDonalds.  Mike needed a paddle for the 9040 radio.  I didn't get home until late but it was well worth spending time with friends. Making local friends is really one of the best parts of the hobby.  I have friends in which our paths would never have crossed had it not been for the mutual interest in amateur radio communications.  When I got home there was hardly anyone on 40 meters and making a QSO wasn't good timing.  

On this day, my sister is visiting from Alabama.  This was a planned visit and I don't get to see her and her family all that often so early she text me letting me know they were at their motel and ready to start our day.  I wanted to have breakfast with them, so I practiced a little cello which is how I like to start every day and then got ready and left.  We had a great time!  We went out to Flapjacks for breakfast, and then our mom met us and we all went to the Indianapolis Children's museum.  That is the largest children's museum in the world.  We had a lot of fun!  We had supper afterward and relaxed together back at their motel.  By the time I left it was past 0000z and I was not home to catch a QSO.  Maybe I should have worked harder when I got home from McDonald's that evening.  Maybe I could have made a QSO instead of practicing the cello when I woke up.  Maybe I should just celebrate a great run of QSO's a day and move on.....  I have learned that daily QSO's with 1.5 watts IS possible.  It takes some time and you have to be very flexible to do it.  Not all QSO's are ragchew quality at 1.5 watts, so in that regard it isn't for everyone's taste.  Anyway, I will keep making QSO's, working for WAS with the SW+, and blogging.  But who knows, maybe I'll use a different radio for awhile or try things a little different.  Variety is the spice of life.
Today the SW+ QSO came quickly.  I got to talk with K3MD/John in Winfield, PA.  John is a avid contester.  He just got a new IC-7300 in November and that was the radio he was using.  The QSO was clipping along nicely.  I enjoy a faster CW speed QSO.  When I'm at just 1.5 watts most of the time I have to send slower to be heard.  That is because the receiving station is trying to listen to me though atmospheric noise and maybe manmade noise.  I learned this especially when working with CW traffic nets.  If a station is having trouble copying you can get the message passed if you slow down a little.  It is more efficient and far less confusing for the receiving station then sending fast and trying to fill in the missing information.   However, a nice faster pace is fun and John was receiving well.  Winfield, PA is in the center of the state.  It looks like the best thing to do in Winfield as a guest is to stay at the Little Mexico campground next to Winfield creek.  It gets great reviews! About 900 people live in Winfield and a nice little place to stop.  

Today I also went outside and operated with my Elecraft KX1.  It was windy and became a rainy stormy afternoon with hail.  I made one QSO out there on 20 meters and really enjoyed using a different radio after focusing on just the SW+ for over 2 months.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

What a Zulu day!  First I found it amazing that after yesterday's QSO in the final hour at 0141z I heard K0RKH calling and found myself in a very nice QSO in LeClaire, IA.  We talked for 45 minutes.  That was a complete opposite from just an hour earlier when I couldn't get a QSO at all.  Bob was using a Ten Tec Omni VI plus.  He was 599 and he gave me a report of 579.  He couldn't believe how good my QRP signal was.  We talked about the weather, radios, telegraph keys, and where we work. It was a very fun chat. 
LeClaire, IA is a very interesting place.  Bob told me it is in the Mississippi Valley.  There are many things to do there.  You can take a riverboat twilight tour, visit the Mississippi River Distilling company, and tour the Buffalo Bill Museum.  LeClaire is also the home site of the television show "American Picker's". Lastly in early August they have "Tugfest"!  They streak has a rope across the Mississippi River from LeClaire to Port Byron, IL.  Then teams of 20 men and a event of 25 women than tug agains each other.  The team that pulls the most rope wins.  It is followed up with fireworks, live bands, and great food on both sides of the river.  Sign me up for another great road trip!!!

In the early afternoon I had a visitor at the house.  It was W9ODX/Mike.    Mike is working hard at learning CW and has a big interest in QRP.  So we took a look at some of my QRP radios.  This SW+, Elecraft K2, Elecraft KX1, and the MFJ 9040.  We set some up outside  in the back yard.  Mike wanted to see a QSO made with the 9040 and so I did that.  Then came for Mike's turn.  Mike called CQ several times and then a slow station came back.  It was a magic moment.  I remember my first QSO.  The amazement that someone heard you sending.   At first the confidence of calling CQ sets in and then the "OH CRAP" moments hits when you realize you have to copy someone answering you.  It is FANTASTIC!  Mike did a very nice job!!!  We had some things written down as a script.  I used something I made up when I started getting on the air.  It really helps to follow something like that when learning.  Mike got through the QSO successfully and we were both very excited.  I sent him home with the 9040 and I think we have a new CW QRP operator in Indiana.  Congratulations Mike!!!! 
Today was a super frustrating QRP day!  I am on vacation this week!  That is the great news.  So Monday nights I have orchestra rehearsal and got home about 9:30pm EDT.  That is 01:30z time.  I couldn't get a QSO.  I wasn't worried. I had all day.  The sun rises and I am looking for a QSO in the morning.  I hear stations, but nothing for me.  No one can hear me.  Noon comes and fewer stations as expected, but I have made QRP QSO's at lunch time on 40 many many times.  Again, nothing.  Then I had an appointment with the eye dr.  I got the news.... yep, bifocals but barely so i opted for not.  She said it's optional but the time is near.  *sigh*.  Then I got home and took a nap... Did I say I am on vacation?  OK.  Well then supper and back to the radio.  Nothing, Nothing, and then at 23:18 I logged K4NAX in Carmel, IN.  I need Indiana for WAS!  I'm at 33 states.
I know Carmel.  Carmel is just on the north side of Indianapolis.  Carmel has been known as a more expensive part of the Indianapolis area.  Many of the local affluent people live there including the owner of the Indianapolis Colts.  However, it has a lot of housing for upper middle income living as well and I am sure a wide range of incomes live there.  It has a nice smaller town feel and is super clean. It's nice with everything you need for shopping and activities.  There is a palladium concert hall which I have not yet ever attended but Yo Yo Ma played there.  I really would have liked to have seen him.  Anyway, Carmel is also so close to Indianapolis that you really don't know you left one and went into the other and what you don't find in Carmel you will in Indianapolis.  Museums, the zoo, Lucas oil stadium where the Colts play, Banker's life field house where the Pacers play, and on the west side of Indianapolis is the Indianapolis 500 race track.  

Back to ham radio, the frustrating part is that I tried a lot.  Hours!  To get a QSO and finally I got one.  Don did ask if I was going to be in the upcoming IN QSO Party.  Yes of course I am.  But Don said the noise level was so high that I was hardly there but he did hear I was running 1.5 watts.  Don was using a KX3 at 100 watts and a loop antenna.  Days like this is why not everyone loves QRP.  If I were not looking for the daily QSO I would not have pushed on which is the smart thing to do.  Some times it's good to know when to turn off the radio and find something else to do.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Tonight's SW+ first QSO was with K4JJW/Dick in New Bern, NC.  New Bern is a very interesting place.  It is the birth place of Pepsi Cola.  It is also very historical.  It happens to be the first permanent capitol of NC.  Tyron Palace and garden center is an attraction.  This is the first governor mansion of NC.  It was built in 1770 and George Washington is said to have visited.  Unfortunately it burned in 1798 and was rebuilt in 1959.  I think New Bern would be a super place to visit.  My QSO was very short.  Dick said the band conditions were poor and politely said his good bye's.  

Next was the Flying Pig's Run For The Bacon sprint!  I made 6 QSO's!  Last month I only made 4 so I'm on the upswing!  The SW+ got OH, MN, NH, PA, & VA.  It looked pretty strong on the Reverse Beacon net.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Today's start has taken off with QSO's already.  There are several contests going on the Easter weekend.  I made a couple QSO's in the Manchester Mineira contest.  To NY & MN.  Both are states already in my log.  I also made just one QSO in the MI QSO party.  Now MI I need!!!  That makes 32 states.  It was with the Secret Beach Radio Club in Glenn Arbor, MI.  Now this is a true vacation place.  The Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore is there.  It is also home to Art's Tavern.  Art's gets good reviews and looks like a super fun place to visit if you find yourself in Glenn Arbor.  They also have Art galleries and Music festivals.  This is one of those places I need to keep in mind for a vacation destination.  I am no vacation right now, but I have no travel plans so I will have to continue to travel via RF and start planning my next vacation destination.  

Later I listened on 20 meters with my Elecraft K2.  I turned the power down to 1.5 watts and answered MM0LID/Scotland & VA2WA/QC Canada.  It sure felt great to hop the pond at 1.5 watts even with it being a contest.  MM0LID must have a terrific station!!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Today my first QSO is made while sitting outside having breakfast.  I got my portable antenna put in a tree and enjoyed a cup of coffee while looking for a QSO.  It was a repeat with KI4XH in Woodbridge, VA.  

Some QSL cards came in the mail!  I must admit I enjoy QSLing very much.  I love opening the mail box and seeing something of value inside.  I love the cards, the envelope and stamp.  Speaking of stamps, WOW!  NM3B made me a big winner today with the envelope he sent me!  I don't think I have ever seen so many cool stamps squeezed onto a regular envelope.  THANKS!!!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

This has been a great start of the "Zulu" day.  After work I met up at a local McDonald's with a new general class licensed ham, Mike Andrus/W9ODX.  Mike follows Brian KB9BVN's and my blog along with some other QRPers.  I am not sure I have ever met a ham so focused on getting into the CW/QRP part of the hobby so quickly.  We talked for almost 3 hours about QRP activities, radios, antennas and other hobbies we are interested in.  So Mike, welcome to the world of QRP.  You are in good company and I am looking forward to spending more time with you on your new adventure.  

Where did W9ILF's RF travel to tonight you ask?  None other than Felton, PA.  I talked to Craig/KB3AII.  Craig said the sky's are clear and the temp is 48 deg.  We are partly cloudy and 64 deg in central IN.  What is in Felton you ask?  Well.... it is a small community with a post office and a fire company.  Wow... I thought Eminence was small town.  I can relate to a place like Felton.  I seem to live 30 minutes from everywhere We also have a post office and volunteer fire department.  We also have a small school (one of the smallest in the state) a gas station and a bank.  However, there isn't much and to make a living you either farm if your family is able or you drive to Indianapolis or close larger town to work.  Very few can support a family in small town U.S.A.  We live here but can't work here.  So if I make it to Felton, PA it will probably be passing through but hopefully I will stop and take a picture.  Thanks for the chat Craig!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

I made another QSO today.  This time to Maplewood, MN.  Bruce/N0CV.  Maplewood is near St. Paul.  It is the home to the corporate headquarter and main campus of 3M Corporation.  
On a personal note, I got a new endpin and tail cord for my cello and had time to adjust things and enjoy the change it made to my instrument.  The new endpin is a Bowed Acoustics brand.  The tail cord is a New Harmony brand.  Now, if you think telegraph keys are a small niche market, try cello endpin manufacturers.  My last endpin was made from carbon fiber.  The steel endpin I now have of course has less flex and feels more connection from the floor to the instrument in my opinion.  The new tailcord allowed the tailpiece to be closer to normal distance to the bridge.  This allows less tension on the strings and changed some things like where the wolf tone is found. 

What does this all have to do with ham radio?  Well...  resonance and harmonics.  That is what.   It is very interesting how we take advantage of harmonics when playing the cello and it is very interesting how harmonics and resonance plays a part in successful antenna designs.