Saturday, April 22, 2017

Well it finally happened.  I didn't make a QSO today.  That ends the over 2 month streak of making a QSO every day with the SW+.  What happened???  Well, life happened.  At 0000z the Zulu day started off and I was gone from the house.  I went to a ham radio testing session where people were taking tests to get or upgrade their amateur radio license.  Then I met Mike/W9ODX and Gary/KA9ZYL at McDonalds.  Mike needed a paddle for the 9040 radio.  I didn't get home until late but it was well worth spending time with friends. Making local friends is really one of the best parts of the hobby.  I have friends in which our paths would never have crossed had it not been for the mutual interest in amateur radio communications.  When I got home there was hardly anyone on 40 meters and making a QSO wasn't good timing.  

On this day, my sister is visiting from Alabama.  This was a planned visit and I don't get to see her and her family all that often so early she text me letting me know they were at their motel and ready to start our day.  I wanted to have breakfast with them, so I practiced a little cello which is how I like to start every day and then got ready and left.  We had a great time!  We went out to Flapjacks for breakfast, and then our mom met us and we all went to the Indianapolis Children's museum.  That is the largest children's museum in the world.  We had a lot of fun!  We had supper afterward and relaxed together back at their motel.  By the time I left it was past 0000z and I was not home to catch a QSO.  Maybe I should have worked harder when I got home from McDonald's that evening.  Maybe I could have made a QSO instead of practicing the cello when I woke up.  Maybe I should just celebrate a great run of QSO's a day and move on.....  I have learned that daily QSO's with 1.5 watts IS possible.  It takes some time and you have to be very flexible to do it.  Not all QSO's are ragchew quality at 1.5 watts, so in that regard it isn't for everyone's taste.  Anyway, I will keep making QSO's, working for WAS with the SW+, and blogging.  But who knows, maybe I'll use a different radio for awhile or try things a little different.  Variety is the spice of life.

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