Saturday, April 1, 2017

My log entries have fallen behind again.  I am not sure why I am not finding the time to journal daily.  The QSO's are still going daily though.  Looking back through the log I have 3/28-K4IBZ, 3/29-KG5GGI, 3/30-K4IBZ, 3/31-W1GF.  

One of my problems right now it that I have the OHR 400 that is new to me.  My log is now mixed with SW+ and OHR QSO's.  I can never decide which radio to use.  I started tracking the OHR for WAS separate from the SW+ but the problem becomes if I worked a state with the OHR that I needed for the SW+ I will be disappointed especially if it is a rare state.  The comparison of the two are interesting. The OHR drifts more than the SW+ and it is much more power hungry.  I run the SW+ off a 1.2ah battery a lot.  I shared the power plug with the OHR so I didn't think about the power source.  I noticed the side tone of the OHR got very bad one morning.  I poured through the manual looking for an adjustment or what might be causing the problem.  Finally I had to leave for work and thought about it all the way there.  Then late morning while walking around it struck me that the voltage was probably too low and causing the side tone issue.  Sure enough!  When I got home I used my power supply and it was corrected.  The OHR has RIT, AGC, AF and RF gain control, internal keyer, and a little filtering and of course 4 bands.  All are nice tools at times.  The SW+ sips power, has a accurate frequency counter and AF gain control.  That's about it.  It doesn't cover as much of the band as the OHR but as I said does not drift as much.  Most important might be that I built it.  I think I will stick with the daily QSO's on my SW+ and WAS.

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