Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Yesterday I went to my friend Mike W9ODX’s house.  We played with his hamstick antenna set up and the MFJ 9040.  The 9040 is a very simple but fun radio.  It has 5 watts, internal keyer, and 500hz filter.  Mike is borrowing it right now, but I have really used this radio to death.  It isn’t collectible or valuable.  I have enjoyed the 9040 for probably 10 years.  It was just a great value as a used purchase of $100.00.  

The last few years I have thought about trying a MFJ Cub off and on.  I ordered one for 20 meters and it is due to arrive Wednesday.  I could use a 20 meter backpacking radio.  I think it will be a nice simple build.  It is simple.  I can throw it in a pack without worrying about scratching it up or anything.  Like my MFJ 9040, my plan it just to use it up and get a lot of fun operating out of it.  I have no delusion that it will perform like an Elecraft radio, but I also don’t need to take care of it like an Elecraft.  I will try documenting the build and it is another 1.5 watt radio more or less so it fits with spirit of this blog.  Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ivin, I had fun as well. Can't wait to see the new radio.
