Friday, February 17, 2017

QRP WAS Challenge

Small Wonder Labs SW+40
Well,  here I am blogging for the first time ever.  What brought me to this activity?  Well, I have accepted a QRP challenge from my good friend Brian KB9BVN to achieve WAS with very simple radios.  Brian is documenting this challenge via a blog and I thought I better do the same to have some ability to share my side of the story.  Brian is getting a Heathkit HW-8 at the Brownsburg hamfest tomorrow.  With that excitement he thought it would be fun to see who could get WAS with our simple radios first.  I will be using my trusty Small Wonder Labs SW+40 and he will use his new to him HW-8.

I have had my SW+40 for probably 10 years.  It was my first kit and it came to me by Brian's recommendation.  He supplied some external parts like jacks, switches, and other odds and ends.  I built the kit and have transplanted it into a different case since and tried to improve it over the years.  It has been thrown into desk drawers and forgotten for years at a time but I have a renewed interest in what I can do with a radio like this.  What can I learn from operating it daily?

I started in January this year with my MFJ 9040 and learned there are a lot of interesting people on 40 meters CW.  Tune slowly.  Listen carefully!  I have been successful at 5 watts, no gaps in the CW portion of the band, 500hz filtering.  The 9040 is larger and at 5 watts kind of power hungry.  I want to see if I can be as successful with even less.  I'm now at 1.5 watts, about 10kh gap in the digital band, and 600hz bandwith filter, and no AGC.  The one luxury I do have is a freqmite frequency counter.  It is much more accurate to know where I am in the band.  I'm 7 days in and I have made a QSO every day so far.

So, I am sure we will talk a lot about features and ability of our radios.  It will be very interesting how it works out and if we can stick with our radios of choice.


  1. Great looking blog Ivin, and I can't wait to start having fun with these QRP radios.

  2. Keep us posted Ivin, stay in touch om. I'll be listening for you. 73 de AL7JK, John FP # 222
