Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Tonight's QSO is with W2KEZ in Port Monmouth, NJ.  He was running a Elecraft K1 at 5 watts.  I was pretty excited to hear his QRP radio and we exchanged both 579 RST.  Craig said his radio was the 2 band version.  That just pulls at my heart strings.  I would love to build a K1 but I really have no need for another radio.
My second QSO tonight is kick'n it old school.  I have been hearing NRR calls up in the novice portion of the band.  I really want to participate in this novice radio event going on but they consider novice any radio 1980 or before.  I don't have a transceiver of that vintage.  However, I do have a receiver that fits.  My beloved Hallicrafters S20R!  So it took me awhile to get the SW+ lined up with my listening frequency and with someone calling CQ but it finally happened.  WA5TCZ in LA heard my answer to his CQ and we chatted a few minutes.  He gave me his NRR and SKCC numbers.  I said I didn't have a NRR number but gave my SKCC and he said he was just having fun and liked the novice band.  He asked again how much power I was running and said I was stronger at 579.  Hmmmm... I'm feeling like a dedicated transmitter will be in the works for the S20R.  So LA is in the log for my WAS marathon against KB9BVN and did it with a receiver old enough to be his HW-8's grandfather.  If I keep going with getting to radio basics I'll be tapping two wires together before long.


  1. Ivin that is the coolest contact ever! Using the old old reciever with your SWL+ radio was a stroke of genius and I am very glad you were able to get them both near the same freq so you could QSO. WOW that must have been exciting. I bought an old homebrew 40m transmitter a few years back at the Bedford Hamfest, you might remember's crystal controlled on 7050 and I imagine it puts out less than a watt. You can borrow it to try it out with your old receiver if you want to. Nice job on Louisiana...I missed LA the other night but hope to get them later this week. We need some QSO party action!

  2. BTW the S20R would make an awesome backpacking radio as long as it was in YOUR backpack and not mine. HAHAHAH
