Wednesday, March 8, 2017

I'm falling behind on my log entry.  I got home late due to orchestra rehearsal and it seems after 9pm EST stations tend to become less and less.  There was no QSO in the evening.  My other chance was in the morning.  There was a lot more activity and I heard a station from MI in QSO.  I was waiting to see if I could get a call in for that state and looking at the clock.  I was running out of time before needing to leave the house for work and I heard a station in my bandpass calling CQ CQ CQ... DE KI4XH.  I tuned down to match that frequency and called back.  Fred inWoodbridge, VA!  Another new state for me.  Fred was using his IC-7300.  He also has a Hallicrafters SX-71 for shortwave listening.  Pretty cool!
I again didn't get home until late in the evening.  I play with another cellist duet music and we met for a couple hours.  I got home about 10pm EST.  I still took a chance and listened for something.  There were a few stations but they all seemed deep in conversation and the few I was able to call didn't hear me in the slightest.  I tried again in the morning before work.  The risk is that it is my last chance within a Zulu day I have of making a QSO.  I will have a hard time most nights getting home much before 7pm.  It paid off this morning.  I got W3MWR, George in Westchester, PA.  Not a new state, but it keeps the daily QSO's at 1.5 watts alive.

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