Saturday, March 11, 2017

Today I didn't start trying to make a QSO until the morning EST.  I got home very late from seeing my sister who was passing through from Alabama and a cello lesson afterward.  I also stopped at McDonalds after work to enjoy company with a ham friend.  We were there until after they closed.  I had to unlock the door myself to get out.
This morning I tried for over an hour to get a SKCC QSO.  There is a monthly sprint called WES going on so I thought it would be easy to log some states.  I finally checked my battery to see if the voltage was correct.  It was.  I hooked the radio to my tuner to check the SWR/power meter and it was putting out some RF.  I guess it is just 40 meters isn't too good. Finally the OK QSO party started and I got K5DB into the log.  After that the QSO's started rolling in from the WES event.  KG6MC/SC & AD0AB/KS (a new state).
Finally for the day I got N4LQ Steve from NC.  Steve and I chatted awhile and he saw from QRZ that I have been involved with the National Traffic System.  Steve used to live in KY when he was in high school and participated regularly in 9RN and knew some Indiana guys.  He also was NCS on Central Area Net.  We had a lot on common with the NTS.  It was a fun QSO.

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